Mom Life

Accepting the Liebster Award


Yay! First, a HUGE thank you goes to Amy Tyrell from Yukon Mama of 4 for nominating me for the Liebster Award! Her blog is full of inspiration for busy moms and constant reminders that we’re not going through this struggle alone. Go visit her blog now and feel instantly uplifted!

I’m in my second month of blogging and am so appreciative of all the help from the mom blogger community! I love sharing my experiences and hope that other moms gain some useful knowledge!

The Liebster Award is designed for new and upcoming bloggers to build their audience and to welcome them into the community. This is how it works:

  • Shoutout the blogger who nominated you
  • Answer their questions
  • Nominate 5-11 other new bloggers deserving of the award
  • Leave questions for your nominees to answer in their posts

Here are the questions from Amy with my answers…

1) What drove you to start your blog?

I got into blogging as a way to help and encourage other moms, particularly those with young children. I recently became a stay-at-home mom and I love sharing the wisdom I’ve gained in my short time as a parent and a wife.

2) Do you read often? If so, what is your favorite book?

I wish that I could say “yes” because I really do LOVE reading, but my family (and blogging) keep me pretty busy these days.

3) What is your favorite quote?

Hakuna Matata 🙂

4) If you could have dinner with anyone-dead or alive- who would you choose?

My Lola! She is my Filipino grandma who passed away when I was 17. I grew up across the country from her and I wish that I’d had more meaningful conversations with her. She was so intelligent and had so many more interesting life experiences that I would’ve loved to learn about.

5) What is your favorite post you have written?

I’m really proud of my potty training post. I learned so much about my parenting style through that process and am so happy that I’ve been able to help other parents going through the same thing.

6) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I’m such a homebody, that’s tricky. I have a dear friend who just moved to Abu Dhabi with her family (our toddlers were BFFs) and I miss spending time with them. Maybe we’d go visit!

7) Who inspires you most?

My older sister holds a position where she’s able to make a difference in a lot of people’s lives and she proudly stands for social and political justice. And she has a busy family on top of that! I’ve always admired her.

8) What is your best advice for new bloggers?

I’m honestly learning so much everyday! Definitely build a network of support so you have people to help you along the way. You don’t know what you don’t know.

9) Describe yourself in three words.

I. Don’t. Know. 🙂 I always have a hard time with these kinds of questions. Open-minded, passionate, dedicated.

10) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully I’ll still be keeping up with The Cinnamon Mom and reaching a wider audience. Likely have another little one down the road, perhaps I’ll be back in a classroom teaching. Who knows? 😉

That’s the end! Please follow my blog and check back in with me weekly for new posts. Feel free to visit more of my posts and leave some comments. I love reading what you all have to say!

And one more thank you to Amy for the nomination! Don’t forget to visit Amy’s page and show her some love!

Lastly, it is my pleasure to select a group of blogging ladies to also receive this award. Make sure to visit all of their pages to learn more about them and their specialties. These are the beautiful blogging mamas I have nominated for the Liebster Award:


The Improving Mum

Lacey Rabalais

Mrs. Lady Wordsmith

Petite Pepper

Balance is Boring

Rainbow Babies

The Perfect Mummy

Once you are nominated for the Liebster Award, please post on your own blog with your answers to the questions below, your own nominees, and the questions you wish for them to answer.


  1. How did you come up with your blog’s name?
  2. What is your favorite post you have written? (Include a link)
  3. How do you unwind at the end of a long day?
  4. Any words you live by?
  5. Favorite place to go with your family?
  6. Favorite holiday to celebrate?
  7. Three things you cannot live without.
  8. If you could be on any TV show, what would you pick?
  9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  10. What is your best advice for new bloggers?


6 thoughts on “Accepting the Liebster Award

  1. Thanks for the nominee pretty lady, this was so fun & such a great way to get exposure to brand new blogs. I’ve posted my responses to your questions on my blog 🙂

  2. Tasheena, Thank you so much for nominating for the Liebster Award. I’m following you on social media and look forward to sharing your work. Thanks again!

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