I made mini hand pies with my daughters and I can’t believe how fantastic they came out! We used refrigerated pie dough so they were ridiculously easy and I even tried making royal icing for the first time, which was not as scary as I expected! To make these hand pies, start by preheating the… Read More Mini Hand Pies Two Ways: PB&J and Sweet Orange
I’ve been seeing DIY orange vinegar cleaning spray all over Pinterest and Instagram the last couple of years! I kept reading that it was all-natural and inexpensive and it sounded easy enough to make. With two kids and a kitty, I love finding safe cleaning products that are actually effective so I finally gave in to the “pressure” and… Read More Homemade Orange Vinegar Cleaning Spray
Apple nachos are another healthy treat that you can make with your kiddos! This is a super versatile snack so you can easily mix and match ingredients and it will still be terrific. Your kids will lick the plate clean every time! Here’s what’s on our plate: 2 sliced apples peanut butter shredded coconut chopped… Read More Apple Nachos are a Sweet, Simple, and Satisfying Snack
Regardless of what your school year is going to look like this Fall, the best thing that you can do with your kiddos right now is read! Developing and practicing literacy skills is always important! We have family storytime every night, but now that Goose (5) is reading independently more often, I made her a reading… Read More Reading Chart to Track and Encourage Independent Reading
My girls’ playroom typically looks one of two ways: immaculate or a hot mess. I love living in a clutter-free home, but since children also live here, it isn’t practical to expect everything to be tidy all day long. With that in mind, we do have a few ways that we consistently control the toy chaos in… Read More Finding Ways to Control the Toy Chaos
These sweet potato burgers with avocado spread are such a delicious way to enjoy a Summertime dinner with your family! I baked our patties in the oven, but you could definitely toss them on the grill to give them an authentic barbecue essence. A few years ago, I shared my turkey burger recipe (which is amazing),… Read More Sweet Potato Burgers with Avocado Spread
This post is sponsored by Nestlé® Pure Life®+ but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. Being a busy mom is no longer an excuse for neglecting your health! It’s time for us to start setting a better example for our kids and prioritize our self-care. Part of that means we need to drink… Read More 6 Ways for Busy Moms to Drink More Water Every Day
Do you consider yourself a minimalist? Over the last six months, I’ve actively committed myself to minimalism and I have to say, I’ve never been more at peace in my surroundings. Now, I can’t imagine living any other way! There isn’t a list of rules that dictate exactly how to be a minimalist, but it… Read More My Journey to Minimalism
Thank you Malt-O-Meal for sponsoring this post. Head to the Malt-O-Meal cereal Facebook page to learn more about a chance to win one of 60 $500 gifts, personalized just for you!! Would you believe it if I told you that my children and I have not left the house since March 12th? It’s true! My… Read More 5 Mom Hacks to Make More Time for Yourself