I might be a little late to the party, but I just tried Instacart and I’m in love! It’s a new-ish grocery delivery service and it’s already making my life one million times easier! Here are the top 5 reasons I’m hooked on Instacart: 1. Can You Say “Sweatpants”? Some days it’s hard enough taking… Read More If You Haven’t Tried Instacart, You Should
We just got back from a fun trip to Northern California! We have family that lives up there so a few times a year we hit the highway to visit them. Including stops, our ride is just over 6 hours. Road tripping with a baby and toddler may sound overwhelming, but we’ve figured out a few… Read More Everything You Need to Know About Road Tripping with a Baby and a Toddler
Yum! I made my vegetable soup for the first time in a very long time and I’m super excited for you to try it! If you follow my Instagram page, then you know that I love to brag about how beautiful and warm our weather is here. It’s basically perfect, sunny, and warm 350 days out… Read More Super Simple Vegetable Soup Recipe
A couple of weeks ago, we started experimenting with some breakfast meal prep ideas and I am completely obsessed! I’m an avid meal planner, but I haven’t done much meal prepping. In case you’re unclear about the difference, meal planning is making a menu of what you’re going to eat and having the ingredients on hand… Read More 3 Breakfast Meal Prep Ideas for Busy Families
Kindergarten Has Changed Today, five-year-olds are held to much higher expectations than you can imagine. There are rigorous standards, longer school days, more standardized testing, larger class sizes, and less recess and free time than kindergarten students in history have ever had. There’s a huge emphasis on academic achievement and not much time allotted for… Read More Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten? Here’s Real Advice from Real Teachers
The greatest gift my husband has ever given me is undoubtedly marriage counseling. I am not a flowers and jewelry type of girl. I don’t drop hints about lavish gifts I desire or expect to be pampered on Valentine’s Day. To me, there is no greater present from my husband than a conscious, committed effort to… Read More 7 Lessons We Learned at Marriage Counseling
This chili recipe is dedicated to all of my friends and family who have icicles on their cars. Consider this my warm gift to you! As I sat down to start writing this post, I took a quick glance at my weather situation: This is what Los Angelenos call Winter. Sometimes it even gets as… Read More Three Bean Chili Recipe
When you become a parent, everyone is eager to offer their opinion on everything related to your children. From feeding to sleeping and playing to disciplining, it becomes difficult to filter out what’s useful for you (and what isn’t). Erica from Inner Parents is here to share 5 pieces of the worst advice you’ll hear… Read More 5 Pieces of the Worst Advice We’ve Heard For Parenting
What is Baby-Led Weaning? Baby-led weaning is encouraging your baby to feed themselves meals and snacks that the rest of the family is eating. People who exclusively practice baby-led weaning omit purees and never spoonfeed their babies. So instead of cracking open a jar of liquidized pears, slices of fresh fruit are put in front of… Read More Baby-Led Weaning: Is it Right for You?
Pesto sandwiches are my favorite sandwiches! If you’ve been around my blog a bit, you may have noticed that I have a bit of a carb and cheese obsession (enchilada casserole, meatball subs, turkey burgers). Don’t worry, I eat plenty of veggies. They’re just not as exciting to talk about! My pesto sandwiches are inspired by… Read More Oven-Baked Pesto Sandwiches