Baby, Kids, Toddler

Build a Positive Relationship Between Your Toddler and New Baby

Now that your kids have met, it’s time focus on growing their sibling bond. A lot of your kids’ relationship will develop naturally, but you also need to be intentional about fostering a positive relationship. Let’s be honest, toddlers are little egomaniacs and you’ll have to work actively to help your kids learn about each… Read More Build a Positive Relationship Between Your Toddler and New Baby

Baby, Kids, Toddler

Tips for the First Meeting Between Your Toddler and Baby

Last week, I shared my tips for preparing a toddler for a new baby. It was all about getting your firstborn mentally ready for your new family member well in advance. Now, imagine that your baby has arrived and it’s time to introduce your toddler to their younger sibling. The first meeting between your toddler and… Read More Tips for the First Meeting Between Your Toddler and Baby

Baby, Kids, Toddler

6 Things to Expect at Disneyland with a Baby and Toddler

We recently took our first trip to Disneyland with a baby and toddler and it was amazing! Husband and I have been multiple times without kids, but going with our children and seeing everything from their eyes was like visiting an entirely different park altogether. We’ve done several small-scale family outings, but nothing compares to… Read More 6 Things to Expect at Disneyland with a Baby and Toddler

Food, Meals

Salmon Pita Pockets

As it gets hot again outside, I have to share a light, refreshing meal that my family loves: salmon pita pockets! These are perfect if you’re in a time crunch because fish cooks super fast and you can have these pitas on your table in minutes. My husband and daughters all love salmon for so… Read More Salmon Pita Pockets

Kids, Mom Life

5 Ways to Survive on One Income and be a Stay-at-Home Mom

You have to be super wealthy to be a stay-at-home mom, right? Wrong! While this may be true in some situations, it is not the case for my family. We are not rich! We simply made the decision that me raising our kids full-time outweighs the monetary reward of working outside of the home. Before staying home,… Read More 5 Ways to Survive on One Income and be a Stay-at-Home Mom