
Homemade Orange Vinegar Cleaning Spray


The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom blogger

I’ve been seeing DIY orange vinegar cleaning spray all over Pinterest and Instagram the last couple of years! I kept reading that it was all-natural and inexpensive and it sounded easy enough to make. With two kids and a kitty, I love finding safe cleaning products that are actually effective so I finally gave in to the “pressure” and decided to try it myself! homemade orange vinegar cleaning spray

I’ve seen this cleaning solution in a number of places and there’s a discrepancy in the exact quantity or volume to use for each ingredient. I took that to mean it doesn’t really matter! Just grab a jar, some orange peels, white vinegar, an empty spray bottle, and have fun experimenting!

I held onto an empty pickle jar and we filled it up with orange peels over the course of a few days. You can eat the rest of the orange, just save the peels!

When I couldn’t fit any more peels inside, I poured white vinegar over the top until it filled up the jar. Then I twisted the top on tightly and stuck it in a high cabinet so that I wouldn’t be tempted to mess with it.

Another topic of debate was how long to let the solution steep. Some people said a few days while others suggested several weeks. Basically, the longer it soaks, the more the orange will be incorporated into the vinegar. I made it about 2.5 weeks before impatience set in and I was ready to try my cleaner.

To transfer the solution from the jar to a spray bottle, I wanted to make sure that no sediment or pulp got in and clogged my nozzle. We don’t have a sieve so I placed a cloth napkin over a medium bowl, poured the solution into it, and then squeezed out as much liquid out as I could. Once I’d strained all of the liquid into the bowl, I funneled the solution into the spray bottle and tossed the orange peels into our compost bin.

homemade orange vinegar cleaning spray

I’ve read that some people dilute their cleaner with water. I added just enough water to fill my spray bottle (about 1/3 cup), but it was still pretty concentrated.

Let me just say, my initial reaction to the smell was that it’s just like orange chicken from Panda Express! Whether that’s a good or bad thing depends entirely upon you. Haha! It doesn’t bother me and it fades once it dries, but that’s definitely what it reminds me of.

My husband tried it first in our bathtub and was immediately impressed! It is definitely effective! I’ve been using it in the kitchen and bathrooms for the last couple of days and I’m pleased, too! It cuts through grease and grime just as well as chemical-y cleaners and I don’t have to stress about whether or not my girls accidentally touch it.

Since this spray is so acidic, you may want to test it in small areas before dousing your entire house. We haven’t had any issues, but you never know!

homemade orange vinegar cleaning spray

In the future, I think we’ll play around with other citrus peels, like lemon or grapefruit, and maybe even add in more fresh ingredients, like rosemary.

All in all, I would definitely suggest trying homemade orange vinegar cleaning spray if you like green cleaning products! It does what it needs to do and we’ll definitely be making more!

Have you ever made your own cleaning products?

If you’re working on having a tidier home, see how we control the toy chaos in our home! And learn more about my family’s transition to minimalism!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger





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