Kids, Mom Life

What I Hope My Children Remember About Living During a Pandemic


When my children grow up and look back at this moment in time, I wonder what they’ll actually remember. Goose is just shy of five and Belly turned three in March so it probably won’t be much.

But… I hope that they remember crafting and baking and running around outside for hours. I hope that they remember extra long snuggles in the morning, the most epic games of indoor hide and seek, and having dinner together every single night. I hope that they remember dance parties, puppet shows, flying kites, and family movie nights. I hope that they remember laughing until their cheeks hurt and never feeling confined, confused, or worried.

I read the news multiple times a day and I am not oblivious to the struggles people are experiencing beyond my door. It truly is appalling that we’ve reached this place and my heart is hurting for the world, but what can I do? Pray? Donate? Stay home?

All that I can control right now is what’s happening in my home. I hope my children remember that my husband and I stayed calm through this uncertainty and made the best choices we could with the information we were provided. And I hope that when they look back, they know that we kept them safe, healthy, and happy.

Sending your family so much love and patience as we navigate this mayhem together. Please stay home and be safe!

Here’s my sanity-saving daily schedule as a stay-at-home mom and some fun ideas for bonding around the dinner table!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger


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