
Keeping Our Home Safe with First Alert

Thank you First Alert for sponsoring this post. We just marked two years since becoming homeowners and, like responsible adults, celebrated by inspecting our fire safety equipment. Installing our  First Alert 10-Year Sealed Battery Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Rechargeable Home Fire Extinguishers are an important way that we help protect our family.… Read More Keeping Our Home Safe with First Alert

Food, Grade School, Kids, Snacks and Sides

Stock Up for School and Win Big With Box Tops for Education™

This post has been sponsored by Box Tops™. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Getting ready for a new school year means stocking up on lunch essentials! Goose is heading into first grade and Belly will be doing another year of preschool homeschool with me. I want to be sure that they both have all… Read More Stock Up for School and Win Big With Box Tops for Education™

Grade School, Kids

How We Choose Books for Our Children (And 25 of Our Favorites!)

Have you spent time at your library lately? I’m so grateful for our visits and storytimes this summer! The girls get too excited discovering new books every week! Books are powerful tools to introduce new ideas and reinforce important values to your family. We aim to teach our children acceptance, compassion, and kindness towards themselves… Read More How We Choose Books for Our Children (And 25 of Our Favorites!)

Food, Sweet Treats

Celebrate National Ice Cream Day on July 18th With Mayfield Creamery

This post has been sponsored by Mayfield Ice Cream. All thoughts and opinions are my own.  How’s your summer break going so far? Ours is passing much faster than I expected! We’ve been doing a lot of playing outside, arts and crafts, and reading together. I’m doing my best to slow down and be present… Read More Celebrate National Ice Cream Day on July 18th With Mayfield Creamery