My grandmother’s birthday is December 7th and I wanted to celebrate her by sharing my recipe for Filipino chicken adobo! Blasian and Proud People always look at me with confusion and ask about my background. I’m proud to say that I am Filipino and black. Some people jokingly refer to me as “Blasian”. Both of my… Read More Filipino Chicken Adobo Recipe
I must admit that I am a bit of a germophobe mom. I realize that germs are literally everywhere and aren’t always a bad thing, but I become extra vigilant when we’re in public places or around large groups of people. I’m one of those people who only hovers, never sits, on a public toilet seat.… Read More 8 Diaper Bag Essentials for the Germophobe Mom
I love eating! It’s easily my favorite hobby. And during this time of year, yummy food is abundant. Office parties, family dinners, banquets, and buffets. How can you possibly be expected to avoid overeating during all of your celebrations? It always goes like this for me: I see a table full of mouthwatering comfort food and… Read More 10 Tricks to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays
This is a guest post by my beautiful friend, Molly. She stopped by to share a hilarious experience with her husband and one-year-old son as well as a few bathtub hacks to make your life a little easier! It finally happened. I knew it would eventually, I just didn’t know when. And it was everything… Read More Bathtub Hacks and a Bath Surprise!
We’re obsessed with these adorable headbands from ZerotoTwo! I’m always on the hunt for cute clothes and accessories for my girls so we were beyond excited when these matching headbands arrived for Goose and Belly! Isn’t this a pretty print? I received free products from ZerotoTwo in exchange for a review. All statements reflect my… Read More ZerotoTwo Headband Review
If you’re newly pregnant, congratulations! There’s so much to look forward to! Fingers crossed you don’t get morning sickness. But in case you do, I made a list of ways to help you manage it while you work. I’m not sure why it’s still called “morning sickness” because that is a dang lie. During my… Read More 7 Ways to Manage Morning Sickness at Work
I was recently inspired to only say yes to my children. Have you ever tried that? I came across a Buzzfeed video where this mom decided to only say yes to her kids for an entire week. Whatever they asked for, she delivered. Spaghetti tacos? Dinner picnic at the park? Spontaneous take your kids to work day? Yes,… Read More What If You Could Only Say Yes for One Day?
Babies learn through play! They touch, taste, experiment, and absorb their environment by interacting and having fun. If you’re unsure where to start with your baby or need some fresh ideas, I’m sharing some of my baby’s favorite toys and activities today. My youngest daughter is six months old, and she absolutely loves everything that… Read More Baby’s Favorite Toys and Activities
Ask any teacher, and they’ll tell you that their job is hard. The pay is not great, you have long hours, you’re expected to bring work home, and you sometimes deal with kids (and adults) who are disrespectful and unappreciative. That’s what most teachers would say. I would say that the hardest thing about being a… Read More In Memory of Jaliya
Disney did it again! Moana is a HUGE hit in our home! Like my little one, I’m sure your child has Moana presents high on their birthday or holiday wishlist. I’ve put together this Moana gift guide to make your shopping a little less complicated. I love Moana because she’s not your typical Disney princess.… Read More Moana Gift Guide