Grade School, Kids

20 Questions to Get Your Child Talking About School


One of my favorite parts of the day is right after we pick Goose up from school! We have a snack in the kitchen and she tells us all about her day. It’s still weird to me that she spends seven hours in this completely other world so I always take the time to listen and get caught up on her life as a first-grader.

Goose is usually very talkative, but some kids are more reserved. If you need a little help to get your child talking about school, I have a list of questions that I often pull from. These will give you an idea of what your kiddo is learning, how they feel about school, and what their relationships with their peers and teachers are like. Just pick a few questions each day and see where the conversation takes you!

Click here to print the full list of questions!

20 Questions to Get Your Child Talking About School

1. What made you feel happy today?
2. What was the hardest part of your day?
3. Did anyone give you a compliment?
4. Did you give anyone a compliment?
5. Who did you talk to at lunch?
6. Who did you play with at recess? What did you play?
7. Did you follow all the school rules?
8. Did everyone else follow the rules?
9. What was your favorite thing that you learned?
10. Did you read any new books?
11. Did you finish all of your classwork?
12. What’s something you did really well?
13. What’s something you need to practice more?
14. Did you talk to your teacher today? What did (s)he say?
15. Did you have to ask your teacher for help? What for?
16. Do you think your teacher had a good day?
17. If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be?
18. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
19. Is there anything you need me to help you with?
20. What else do you want to tell me about your day?

Print this entire list of questions by clicking here. And leave me a comment if there are any other questions you use to get your child talking about school!

If you need a quick after-school snack, try these Ozery snacking rounds or our yummy apple nachos!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger


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