Baby, Kids, Toddler

Super Quick and Inexpensive DIY Hair Accessory Wreath


The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom blogger

I have two daughters so naturally, that means we have a million hair bows and headbands. We used to just toss them haphazardly into a basket and it was impossible to ever find anything I was looking for when I was doing their hair. We desperately needed some type of organizational device.

DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization
our basket of chaos

After wandering aimlessly through the aisles of Dollar Tree, I came across a metal wreath ring and I was inspired to make a hair accessory wreath. I don’t consider myself a “crafty” person, but it only took a few materials and one episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to complete my creation. And I think it’s pretty darn great!

Hair Accessory Wreath


For your convenience, I put all of the materials into one handy Amazon List! Go check it out by clicking here!


  1. Hot glue clothespins to the front of the metal wreath about a 1/2 inch apart. Make sure they’re facing the right direction. The part that will hold the headbands is facing down.DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization
  2. Flip over and “reinforce” by adding two more dots of glue to the back of each clothespin.DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization
  3. Once the glue has cooled, arrange hair accessories on the wreath. Clip bows straight onto the metal ring and use the clothespins for headbands.

DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization

Ta-da! That’s literally it. You have a hair accessory wreath!

I love our hair accessory wreath! It’s so easy now to quickly grab every hair bow and headband. Ours is hanging by a pushpin at the moment, but you can nail your wreath to the wall or use an over-the-door hook.

You can also personalize your wreath by painting the metal or using multicolored clothespins. There’s already so much going on with all of the bows that additional decorations aren’t super necessary.

This would make a really sweet gift for a baby shower or a birthday. Just buy a variety of hair bows and headbands to bedeck your wreath. I promise it will come out cute. There is no way to mess this up!

Does your little one have too many hair accessories? How do you organize them?

If you like making things, do some cotton ball painting with your little ones! And if you want a good laugh today, go read these hilarious mommy confessions!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger



DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization, hair bow storage
DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization, hair bow storage
DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization
DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization
DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization, hair bow storage
DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization, hair bow storage
DIY Hair Accessory Wreath, hair bow holder, hair accessory organization, hair bow storage


19 thoughts on “Super Quick and Inexpensive DIY Hair Accessory Wreath

  1. This is so cute! We have so many bows that even a bow holder can’t contain them. My daughter loves JoJo bows and I like to store them without them getting crushed to keep them nice so this will help so much!

  2. Oh that’s adorable. This weekend, I put my daughters hair stuff on a clothes hanger in an effort to get it organized. This is a much better idea! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You’re welcome, Shelley! I’ve tried a few ways to store everything and the hair accessory wreath is by far my favorite!

  3. Wow, that is quick and easy, and cute, too! We only have a son, but we are hoping to have a girl someday. So if we do, I am definitely going to make this for her bows and accessories. 🙂

    1. Hey Heather! Yes, hang onto this idea for yourself or any of your friends. It really doesn’t get any simpler!

    1. Hi Aseky! A hair accessory wreath will be perfect, especially since people get so excited about gifting baby girls with bows and headbands. You’ll probably end with dozens of them!

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