My girls’ playroom typically looks one of two ways: immaculate or a hot mess. I love living in a clutter-free home, but since children also live here, it isn’t practical to expect everything to be tidy all day long. With that in mind, we do have a few ways that we consistently control the toy chaos in our home!

1. The girls can make as much of a mess as they want in their own space, but toys are not allowed in any other room of the house. If they try to bring a toy downstairs or into a bedroom, we immediately give them a gentle reminder that they have entered a no toy zone. Once you start bending on this rule, toys can quickly gather in all corners of your home. Nip it in the bud and be clear about where play areas are.
2. Since they were babies, we taught and encouraged both girls to help clean up. Now that they’re five and three, they are solely responsible for putting their own toys away. Some days it takes longer than others to clean and they might need some verbal guidance, but they eventually finish.
3. A big habit that we have is making sure that the playroom gets cleaned up before dinner each evening. Pretty much everything after dinner is in preparation for bed (baths, pajamas, brush teeth, storytime) so there’s no need for toys to still be out. Tidying up before dinner also helps prevent distractions while we’re going through their bedtime routine.
4. All of the girls’ toys and books have a specific home so they know where to return things when they’re finished. When things are organized, it’s easier to clean up!
5. Another way that we control the toy chaos is by decluttering two or three times a year. Kids outgrow and lose interest in toys all the time. We’ll take a look at what they actually play with, especially around the holidays and their birthdays, and find new homes for toys that no longer serve a purpose for them.
6. Lastly, playing outside as much as possible is the best way to bypass the toy chaos altogether! My kids are often just as content with sticks and rocks in the sunny, fresh air. Getting out of the house is the surest way to make sure that there isn’t a mess!
It’s a tricky balance between letting my kids be kids and maintaining my sanity, but we’re consistent with these parameters and they seem to be working for everyone!
What’s the toy situation look like for you guys?
Make sure you see these tips for teaching your kids to help clean up! And see how you need to set up a Montessori playroom in your home!
Talk to you soon!