Kids, Snacks and Sides

What to Look for When Shopping for Kid’s Snacks


This post has been sponsored by Kellogg’s. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Before I became a mom, I never dreamed that I would devote so much time to thinking about kid’s snacks! Regardless of where we’re headed each day, my thoughts are constantly consumed with what my little ones are going to eat.

kids snacks, Nutri Grain Kids Bites, Pop-Tart Bites

Although I definitely want to make sure my kids have enough energy to get through the day, I’m mostly paranoid that they’ll melt into hangry little puddles if they don’t have snacks close by. Do your kids turn into gremlins, too, when they want food?

To keep everyone happy, there are always a few important factors that I consider when I’m shopping for kid’s snacks:


How quickly can I toss a snack into a backpack? Can my kids eat it in the car? Is it going to make a giant mess? Basically, I just search for whatever is going to make my life as easy as possible!

I found these yummy Nutri Grain Kids Bites and Pop-Tart Bites at Bi-Lo and they are the epitome of convenience! They come in individual little pouches so I don’t have to worry about pouring and bagging anything myself. And each bite is the perfect size for little hands, which means that I don’t have to worry about food getting dropped everywhere! Shop for them at your local Southeastern Grocers store and scoop up some savings!

kids snacks, Nutri Grain Kids Bites, Pop-Tart Biteskids snacks, Nutri Grain Kids Bites, Pop-Tart Bites


I don’t know about your kids, but mine will not hesitate to tell you when they don’t like something. It’s such a relief when they’ll just quietly nibble on a snack they love.

Portion Size

My kids would graze all day if I let them, so I try to choose snacks that will keep their tummies full between meals. Nutri Grain Kids Bites and Pop-Tart Bites have just the right amount of pieces in each pouch so they’re not shouting at me from the backseat for more food.

kids snacks, Nutri Grain Kids Bites, Pop-Tart Bites

kids snacks, Nutri Grain Kids Bites, Pop-Tart Bites


When stocking up our snack stash, I look for things that can be eaten anywhere at any time of day. Can they have it for breakfast? Does it fit in a lunchbox with a sandwich and some fruit? Can it be quickly consumed at the park? If the answer is yes to all of those questions, then it’s worth buying!

For an easy, yummy snack that checks off all of the mommy boxes—head down to your friendly local Bi-Lo. You’ll find Nutri Grain Kids Bites and Pop-Tart Bites in the cereal aisle. My kids can’t get enough!

For more on how I survive as a mommy, see how I set the tone for a great day and read my tips for family outings!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger


kids snacks, Nutri Grain Kids Bites, Pop-Tart Bites
kids snacks, Nutri Grain Kids Bites, Pop-Tart Bites


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