I gotta be totally honest… It’s madness over here right now! We just moved into a new house and we are literally living out of boxes and piles of randomness. And on top of unpacking, we’re trying to maintain some semblance of our regular lives. My husband still has to go to work, my children still need to be engaged and cared for, and I’m still working on new blog content for you!

It’s really a lot, but juggling everything has forced me to examine how I accomplish the items on my to-do list. Today, I want to share my favorite productivity tips with you so that you can manage your time and be more efficient!
This post is sponsored by Moms Meet and Keurig but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
There’s nothing that gets you moving in the morning like the smell of freshly brewed coffee! Full disclosure: I’m strictly decaf, but my hubby is all about caffeine. We’ve both been getting amazing use out of this new K-Duo brewer. Not only does it have the single-serve option for K-Cup Pods, but the K-Duo also lets you brew a whole carafe with traditional paper filters and ground coffee.
The fact that the K-Duo coffee maker has two options really blows my mind! There’s one 60-oz water reservoir that both functions share and it’s compact so it fits nicely on my kitchen counter. The entire thing is incredibly user-friendly and will have your coffee ready to drink in a jiffy. I’m seriously excited to have company over just so that I can offer them a fresh cup from our K-Duo!
The K-Duo Essentials brewer is sold exclusively by Walmart. You can go click here and order one today!
And now that you’re properly caffeinated, here are some great productivity tips I use to help me manage my life and get stuff done!
Self Care
I wish that I didn’t have to state the obvious, but so many mommies are quick to neglect their basic needs. Getting adequate food, water, and rest are all imperative for you to perform at your peak.
Just take care of yourself, okay?
Eliminate Distractions
The best way to do this is to unplug and disconnect. There’s no bigger time-sucker than electronics so silence your phone, turn off the TV, and be mindful about your music selection. Calm, acoustic music always helps me stay in the zone!
Set Goals
Start a list of all of the tasks you need to complete so that you know where to put your focus. Your goals will likely change each day or each week as you check off old tasks and add new ones.
Make a Schedule
Once you know what needs to get done, make a plan for how you’re going to do it. Time is always the biggest factor in productivity. There just never seems to be enough of it!
I know that as a stay-at-home mom, your day is pretty much controlled by kids. It’s probably easiest to divide your schedule into sections (before breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, after bedtime) and decide when you’re going to tackle each item on your list.
I’m both a visual and a linguistic person so I love using a planner to organize my weeks and months. It’s really helpful to see everything written out all at once. I also have my calendar app in my iPhone synced with my husband’s. It’s the perfect way for us to share events with each other and communicate dates that involve both of us.
It’s especially helpful to have routines in place when you have kids. If you do the same steps over and over, they’ll know what to do and there’s no need to repeat yourself. That leaves more time for other things!
We have clearly defined morning routines (breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth) and evening routines (bath, PJs, brush teeth, storytime, bed) that help those parts of the day run smoothly. Find areas of the day that occur consistently and put predictable routines in place.
Occupy Your Kids
Naptime is definitely the best time to check tasks off your list. But if your kiddos are anti-naps (like mine), you can either try to involve them in what you’re doing or give them something that will keep them entertained. Coloring, playdough, and blocks are some favorites for my girls.
I am also not opposed to the TV when I really don’t want to be disrupted. Check out my list of 10 TV shows that actually teach skills!
Delegate and Outsource
There’s nothing wrong with asking for help! Whether it’s asking your husband to load the dishwasher, having your groceries delivered, or seeing if grandma can come babysit for a couple of hours, don’t put the pressure completely on yourself. Look at your list and see where it makes sense to ask for assistance.
Say “NO”
You also need to prioritize yourself and acknowledge what you can realistically accomplish. It’s okay to remove things from your list that are unimportant and it’s also okay to say no if someone has a request that you cannot fulfill. Just be honest with yourself about what you can or can’t handle.
What other productivity tips do you have? Tell me in the comments!
And for your coffee fix, don’t forget to check out the new K-Duo Essentials, sold only by Walmart!
For more about staying organized, see my advice for a big move with a family and find out how we can afford for me to be a stay-at-home mom!
Talk to you soon!