When it comes to presents for my daughters, I’m all about gift experiences instead of toys! Gift experiences are unique opportunities for kids to learn a new skill or spend quality time with loved ones. Honestly, my girls have too many toys and I’d love for them to value memories more than material things. Not… Read More 29 Non-Toy Gift Experiences for Kids
Most of my in-laws live in town (my husband’s parents, two of his siblings, their kids and spouses) and every time they come over we go through a ton of paper plates, paper napkins, plastic cups, and plastic utensils. Although we have a great time together, I always feel guilty about all of the trash… Read More 7 Supplies You Need to Host an Eco-Friendly Party
Looking for a yummy drink to share this holiday season? Pumpkin Pie Spice Hot Cocoa is a fun way to jazz up a traditional treat! I take a lot of shortcuts here so get ready for the easiest hot chocolate you’ve ever made! Full disclosure: There is no actual pumpkin in this drink. It has… Read More Pumpkin Pie Spice Hot Cocoa is the Ultimate Holiday Drink
Just sitting here overthinking all of the things I have to do between now and Thanksgiving… Which we’re hosting and is in 8 days. And I have done absolutely nothing to prepare for. *shrugs shoulders* Even though we’re headed into the most wonderful time of the year, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or inadequate, especially… Read More Managing the Mental Load of Motherhood During the Holidays
We’re in the middle of a crazy cold front and all I want is soup! I used to make this fajita soup all the time, but somehow I forgot about it over the last couple of years. This has all of those awesome fajita flavors but it’s even more comforting because it’s in soup-form. I’m… Read More Fajita Soup to Warm Your Tummy
I was super excited about Goose and Belle’s Halloween costumes this year, but we never actually made it out of the house! Our neighborhood allows trick-or-treating from 6-9pm so I fed the girls dinner and had them all ready to go. We were literally about to walk out of the door at 5:59pm when there… Read More Simone Biles and Misty Copeland Halloween Costumes
I know that everyone has already moved on to Halloween, but I want to share one more thing before October ends! Many of you know that this is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and something that I have been very open about in the past is having a miscarriage. It has had a huge… Read More What I Wish I’d Known Sooner About Having a Miscarriage
I thought it would be fun to bring a touch of Halloween into our house. This spider snack is incredibly easy to make and kids think it’s hilarious to “eat spiders”! My favorite part about this spider snack is that kids can do all of the work themselves. We actually had a few of my… Read More Spider Snack to Make With Your Kids
This countdown chain has been the biggest lifesaver! As a parent, you know that one of the worst mistakes you can make is telling your kids about something fun too far in advance. Once they get excited, they start nagging you constantly about when it’s going to happen. And since they have no concept of… Read More Countdown Chain for Special Events and Holidays
This shop has been compensated by Dial®. #ShopDialAtWalmart #sponsored One of the best activities you can do with a child is art! It’s so simple, but there are a ton of benefits! Art promotes creativity, builds dexterity, and is a wonderful outlet for self-expression. The best part is that you can do art with kids… Read More How to Do Art with Kids and Build a Healthier Community