Kids, Preschool, Toddler

Mess Free Finger Painting for Valentine’s Day


The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom blogger

I have never ever celebrated Valentine’s Day with my husband, but there’s something about having kids that makes me want to do all of the heart activities and cover everything in red, pink, and purple! It just makes me smile! This mess-free finger painting, with a love-inspired twist, is such a fun time for toddlers and preschoolers. And it’s even more fun for mommies because it takes literally three minutes to prep and there’s zero clean up involved!

Mess-free finger painting is a nice, quiet way to keep your little ones occupied, especially if you need a few uninterrupted minutes to cook or clean. You can modify this activity for different seasons and occasions, but we used Valentine’s as an opportunity to discuss what colors make pink and purple!


  • construction paper
  • scissors
  • quart plastic storage bags
  • red, blue, and white paint
  • scotch tape

Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities


  1. Cut hearts out of the construction paper. I make symmetrical hearts by folding the paper hotdog style and cutting out a J shape.
  2. Squeeze a few drops of paint into the plastic bags and seal them shut.
  3. Tape the plastic bags to the backs of the hearts.
  4. Flip the sheets of paper over and let your little ones get to work!

Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities

Obviously, mess-free finger painting encourages creativity, but it’s also useful for promoting other learning objectives. After my girls swished and swirled the colors together, they practiced writing letters and drawing shapes in the paint. Now, these hearts are on our fridge and they can revisit the activity anytime they want!

Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities

Be sure to let me know if you try mess-free finger painting!

For more Valentine’s crafts, try our cotton ball heart painting, microwave heart crayons, and heart tear art!

Also, check out these important preschool skills that your little one should be practicing now!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger

no mess finger painting, Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities
no mess finger painting, Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities
no mess finger painting, Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities
no mess finger painting, Valentine's with kids, easy crafts, finger painting, preschool activities


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