Kids, Mom Life

Simple Ideas to Make the Holidays Magical


The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom blogger

Hey friends! I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Desirae from the Minimal-ish Podcast about simple ideas to make the holidays magical for my kids while living intentionally. There is so much pressure this time of year, specifically for those us unofficially tasked as the providers of special memories, so I touched on how I mindfully navigate the busyness.

We talked about I how take the emphasis off gifts and spending, and instead focus on creating an environment of joy, gratitude, and love. I shared specific traditions we’ve started in our home, many surrounding food, and what my kids look forward to each holiday season (spoiler: it isn’t opening presents). I also listed how simple tools, like cookie cutters and winter books, can make ordinary moments more fun and festive.

make the holidays magical

make the holidays magical

I answered questions about how I plan for these traditions and avoid becoming overwhelmed during such a hectic time of year. We discussed how I avoid comparison and seek to enjoy the season just as much as the rest of my family. My hope is that you listen in and feel encouraged to cultivate holiday rituals that are practical and meaningful to your family.

One thing I love about podcasts is that you can listen to them anywhere and on so many different platforms. Turn on my Minimal-ish episode while you’re folding laundry, washing dishes, or sitting in the car line. Listen now to hear how I make the holidays magical for my family!

make the holidays magical

Thanks again to Desirae for inviting me into her virtual space! She’s spoken with dozens of other women and moms about how minimalism or intentional living impacts different aspects of their lives. Subscribe to Minimal-ish to listen to other episodes and follow Minimal-ish on Instagram.

For more like this, read about my minimalist journey and see my minimalist rules for decluttering toys.

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger





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