Kids, Mom Life

7 Ways to Set the Tone for a Great Day as a Stay-at-Home Mom


The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom bloggerLife as a stay-at-home mom is busy and exhausting! And as hard as you try to have a great day, things rarely go as smoothly as intended. Between caring for yourself and your kids, housework, and trying to get anywhere on time, there’s constant potential for your family unit to break down (cue the chaos).

There are times when being home can feel pretty miserable, but I’ve found that taking a few steps to think ahead and get a good start can make a massive difference on how the rest of the day pans out.

Here are some ways that you can set the tone for a great day as a stay-at-home mom:

1. Prepare the Night Before

Mornings can become hectic very quickly, especially if you need to get to school or appointments by a certain time. Spare yourself the last minute scramble by preparing everything you can the night before.

Lay outĀ clothes, pack snacks and lunches, and make sure diaper bags, backpacks,Ā and purses are stocked with all necessary supplies. Anticipating everything you’re going to need in the quiet of the night will free up some mental space for when your kids are awake in the morning.

Not sure what you need? See my diaper bag essentials for babies and toddlers!

2. Wake Up First

This is definitely the hardest thing for me to do. Sleep is a precious commodity! What crazy person wakes up before they have to?

But I’ve learned that when I get up while my kids are still sleeping, I have a few moments to collect myself before I have to be responsible for anyone else.

This quiet time is a great opportunity to talk to your partner, check emails and social media, exercise, take a shower and get dressed, or have a cup of coffee.

Wake up first and squeeze whatever you can into that short time before the hustle and bustle really start.

3. Be Attentive

Once your kids wake up, try to stop everything you’re doing and pay attention to them. Even if you’re irritated that your “me time” is over, you want the first interaction of the day to be positive.

Greet them with a hug and smile. Ask how they slept and how they’re feeling. Starting the morning with a cuddle and brief conversation is a gentle reminder that their needs are important to you, even if you have a busy day ahead.

4. Let There be Light

Light is a visual signal that the day is starting. Open blinds and curtains or turn on the lights to signal your brain that it’s time to be alert and get moving.

5. Have a Breakfast Plan

To avoid a hangry family, always have aĀ breakfast plan and be ready to feed everyone first thing. When you’re preparing things the night before, do a quick scan of your fridge and pantry to make sure you have what you need.

We like toĀ breakfast meal prep, but cereal and fresh fruit are always great options.

Need last minute groceries? Order from Instacart or Amazon Prime Now and get food delivered to your doorstep!

6. Discuss Your Schedule

Kids thrive on routine and predictability. Discuss yourĀ plan for the day so that everyone understands what needs to be accomplished.

Communicating your family goals is an opportunity to set clear expectations for your kids (and build vocabulary for babies).Ā This is especially important if you need to be somewhere at a specific time, like school or an appointment.

Be considerate and always inform your kids if the plan changes. A lot of times when kids misbehave, it’s because they didn’t understand what was expected of them. Updating your kids on the plan will allow them to make mental adjustments and should decrease the likelihood of behavior issues later in the day.

7. Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

The most important thing you can do to have a great day is to keep a happy and calm disposition. If you need some help with that, check out myĀ tricks for staying calm and see how I overcome any tantrums or negative moments with my kids.

Being home full time is tiring, thankless work, but your kids feed off of your energy and your example. You want to make sure that you’re sending them positivity no matter what obstacles the day brings.

Now that your morning has started great, read my tips for surviving family outings!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger




be a happy mom, have a great day with family, stay at home mom schedule, conquer the day
be a happy mom, have a great day with family, stay at home mom schedule, conquer the day
be a happy mom, have a great day with family, stay at home mom schedule, conquer the day
be a happy mom, have a great day with family, stay at home mom schedule, conquer the day


22 thoughts on “7 Ways to Set the Tone for a Great Day as a Stay-at-Home Mom

  1. OMG I know waking up first is important but it’s so hard! My little one wakes up anywhere between 7-9 am and I don’t wanna get up at 7! haha but I know I need to try. These are awesome tips!

  2. This is a great list. We’re still trying to master the “preparing the night before” one now that school started.
    I always think waking up first would be a good idea but it never happens so I gave up. My kids are up so early that if I tried to be up before them I’d have to go to bed at the same time as them haha.

    1. Thanks, Diana! I actually can’t turn my brain off at night unless I know that everything is ready for the next day. It’s a blessing and a curse. And I’ve basically just accepted sleep deprivation as the way of life for now.

  3. These are really great ideas. I’m unfortunately not a stay at home mom, but I do have to wake up and get the baby up so her dad can take care of her during the day. I try to make sure she’s woken up in a sweet way, by singing to her or loving on her, and then I bring her up to her dad and we get her a bottle and get the day started. I’m sure it’ll change a bit when she’s older.

    1. Hi Angie! That sounds like such a loving, gentle way to start the day. I was a teacher until my first daughter was two-years-old so I can definitely relate to the challenges of getting a little one out of the house each morning!

  4. I love these! I really need to implement 1 more, I want to prepare more the evening before a lot better than I do now. But 4 is a MUST. If I don’t open my blinds and curtains I rarely accomplish anything šŸ˜‚

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