
10 Playful Books About Losing Teeth


The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom blogger

Goose lost her first tooth this morning and I am not okay! I knew it was going to come out, but I was not mentally prepared for how emotional I’d be. Is that normal? Why is she so big? I can clearly remember when her first tooth grew in and this feels like a massive milestone!

books about losing teeth

My favorite way to prepare for something new or exciting is by reading as many books as we can! Books are perfect for introducing unfamiliar concepts and for prompting important conversations about what to expect. A couple of weeks ago we checked out a bunch of fun books about losing teeth from our local library and they were all so cute. It was an amazing way to help Goose get ready for the arrival of her grownup teeth!

Click this link or the picture below to visit the whole list in my Amazon store!

books about losing teeth

Goose knows that the Tooth Fairy isn’t real, but she loved the different stories and asked if we could pretend. Of course, I couldn’t say no so I guess I’m on tooth duty now!

How do you handle lost teeth with your kids?

If you’re looking for more reading material, see how we choose books for our kids! And you can use these tips to raise a reader!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger

books about losing teeth
books about losing teeth


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