Kids, Preschool, Snacks and Sides, Toddler

Rainbow Cereal Bracelets


The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom blogger

Rainbow cereal bracelets are a colorful snack that your kids will love to make (and eat)! We originally made these bracelets with St. Patrick’s Day in mind, but they really are fantastic anytime your little ones want a yummy, wearable snack!

All you need is cereal and pipe cleaners! We got our Fruit Rounds at Aldi and pipe cleaners at Walmart, but you can find both of these materials almost everywhere food is sold (Target, Dollar Tree, Amazon, grocery store, etc). I just poured the cereal into a bowl and gave my kids a few pipe cleaners. They instantly knew what to do and they even started making their own patterns without any prompting!

rainbow cereal bracelets, snack bracelet, rainbow crafts, preschool activities, St Patrick's Day craft

rainbow cereal bracelets, snack bracelet, rainbow crafts, preschool activities, St Patrick's Day craft

We’ve tried making snack jewelry with yarn and string, but there were always a couple of problems. First, the ends would fray easily, making it hard for their little fingers to string the cereal. Second, it was tricky to knot it together when the kids were ready to put it on and they would sometimes come untied.

With pipe cleaners, the ends always are nice and pointy so my girls have no problem putting the cereal on them. And when they’re done stringing their cereal, I just twist the ends together to make it into a circle. If you want a necklace, just connect two or three pipe cleaners together. You guys can even make a batch of rainbow cereal bracelets in advance to have a fun snack to take on-the-go!
rainbow cereal bracelets, snack bracelet, rainbow crafts, preschool activities, St Patrick's Day craft rainbow cereal bracelets, snack bracelet, rainbow crafts, preschool activities, St Patrick's Day craft

Aren’t they cute? My kids don’t usually eat sugary cereal so they get especially excited about these! I think they’d even be fun with Cheerios or pretzel twists! Can you think of any other snacks that would work well on a bracelet?

For more snacks that you can make with your kids, try our no-bake cranberry almond butter bars and these cute spider sandwich crackers!

And for another rainbow activity, try rainbow cotton ball painting!

Talk to you soon!

The Cinnamon Mom, stay at home mom, mommy blogger

rainbow cereal bracelets, snack bracelet, rainbow crafts, preschool activities, St Patrick's Day craft
rainbow cereal bracelets, snack bracelet, rainbow crafts, preschool activities, St Patrick's Day craft


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